
God of Love!

Please allow us a good meeting with people May the meeting expand my situation and may the pure meeting of the soul bring joy to us. Let us save lives and raise talented people through good meetings.

Give us comfort. May our sadness turn into joy so that we can escape from anxiety and have joy. Let us remain unshakable through hardships.May the Lord, who came to save the world, invite us to rest peacefully. Let us jump into the flame of the Lord. 

Let us believe and endure that everything is under God's sovereignty. God is a fair Judge who breaks a whistle and sends out those mean players.God, who was endlessly merciful to us, saved us again with the great love of Christ. We were saved by abundant grace that came from you. God becomes our hideout and God protects us from suffering.

"You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah" (Psalm 32:7)

I pray in the name of Jesus, the Lord of Love. Amen.

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