PCUSA Presbytery Proposes Changing Definition of Marriage Back to "Man and Woman"

A presbytery of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. (PCUSA) has approved an overture that seeks to restore the previous definition of marriage of the denomination's bylaws, defining marriage as a union between man and woman.

The overture was approved by a 49-37 vote by the Kiskiminetas Presbytery, located in Yatesboro, Pennsylvania, about an hour drive from Pittsburgh. It proposes that the denomination strike the current text of the bylaws, which states that marriage is "a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a man and a woman, to love and support each other for the rest of their lives," and replace it with, "Marriage involves a unique commitment between one man and one woman to love and support each other for the rest of their lives."

The overture states that when the amendment was passed to redefine marriage as "two people," "there was no Biblical background given for its consideration and then its passing."

"The rationale offered for the most recent revision to the definition of marriage referred mainly to society's views and civil legality, not what is in Scripture and the Confessions," it states.

It further states that the Bible "confirms the act of homosexuality as sin," and adds, "Christ commands us to love everyone and to welcome all into a community of faith. He also commands us to follow his teachings in Scripture and while he offers love and forgiveness, he does not condone that which God calls sin."

"While we as humans may feel compassion to those who are treated differently based on their sexual orientation, we are called to follow the instructions from Scripture and the teachings of Christ in those Scriptures," it continues. "Therefore, while we all sin, we are called to repent as we seek to become more Christ-like."

Before the overture can be taken up during the PCUSA's 222nd General Assembly, which will take place from June 18 to 25, another presbytery must also vote in agreement with the Kiskiminetas presbytery 120 days before the General Assembly (February 19, 2016).

Nine churches submitted the overture to the Kiskiminetas Presbytery for approval, including Bethel Presbyterian Church, Blairsville United Presbyterian Church, Clymer Presbyterian Church, Harmony United Presbyterian Church, Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church of Plumville, St. Benedict Presbyterian Church, and St. Paul's Presbyterian Church.


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